08/07/2017 at 14:58 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:03 |
Depends on what your definition of success is.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:07 |
What happened to that Monopoly board? Where’s Park Place and Marvin Gardens?
Whitechapel Road? What?
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:09 |
What the fuck is Whitechapel Road?
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:10 |
It’s a road with a white chapel on it
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:11 |
British version used to criticize Americans.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:11 |
WTH board is that?
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:13 |
The ability to provide for your/ your family’s needs, stay healthy without going bankrupt, and to feel like you are able to achieve your goals. Basically; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
If one is fine working a demoralizing job, living paycheck to paycheck not knowing how to make it through each day, scared of getting ill because staying alive depends entirely on being able to survive being overworked on menial wages, then I guess that’s fine with me. I suspect that few people want nor enjoy living like that.
The point isn’t that we should eliminate inequality. It is that the game is currently unsustainable and has cheated the other player before it even began. How about instead we focus on making a society where everyone has the same chance at success. The outcome is up to them, but all the players have the same resources and tools with which they can play as they choose to.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:14 |
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:14 |
So you’re saying a 15 year old Altezza does NOT equal success?! D:
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:15 |
Or, it’s a white road that leads to a chapel.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:15 |
Now you’ve gone too far
08/07/2017 at 15:15 |
It’s made in China, because it’s cheaper.
Just like this crap.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:16 |
I am waiting for all the monies to fall out of rich persons pockets into my own via trickle down economics.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:17 |
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:17 |
No. Only that if the game were more fair, you would have been able to buy a new one if you chose to.
08/07/2017 at 15:18 |
Good luck.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:19 |
Do not collect $200.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:21 |
Success in Monopoly is selling everything thing you have, in order to find true inner peace. You survive by sitting on free parking, contemplating the mysteries of the rule book, hoping one day to transcend the 2 dimensions of the Board.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:22 |
Also, according to Monopoly, going to jail is something that just “happens” to you. Even if you play fair.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:24 |
That’s rich
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:29 |
So because I don’t own any utilities, hotels or a bank I am somehow underprivileged?
please explain.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:29 |
gone but not forgotten..............
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:33 |
The only one successful here is apparently Donald Trump. I know I don’t own any hotels or railroads, so that means I’m unsuccessful.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:39 |
Wah! I am a cashier but I expect a living wage working a job specifically designed for teenagers and college students not adults.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:41 |
White? Chapel? I don’t approve of these microaggressions against non-white, non-Christian players. The safest thing to do is make them a protected group so their rents don’t get too high. /s
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:50 |
Yeah, fuck that guy.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 15:52 |
I KNOW RIGHT! I love the irony of it.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 16:06 |
So the answer is to tax the 1 player at 40% to redistribute their wealth?
That may work today, but only for a short time.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 16:14 |
I am sure you are familiar with the idea of the “temporarily embarrassed millionaire”. It describes the beliefs of many.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 16:26 |
I am working and expect a living wage.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 16:32 |
Seize the means and send liberals to the gulag
![]() 08/07/2017 at 16:39 |
Context: That’s not an official MAGA hat from the campaign store
![]() 08/07/2017 at 16:42 |
Defeatist mentality like this sad. You have to work to succeed, and anyone here can regardless of the hand you’re dealt. You’re only limited by your ambition, and eternally blaming your situation on others is counter productive
![]() 08/07/2017 at 17:32 |
Also the GO square should be in the top right corner
![]() 08/07/2017 at 18:47 |
It’s the road through what was the village of Whitechapel. Which was literally named after a chapel. It is now part of the East End of London which (when the UK version was introduced in the 1930s) was the lower class part of town.
The literal naming is nothing unusual as most things in England (including people) in the 14th and 15th centuries were named for what they were, had or did.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 19:28 |
The goals of the game and the goals of life aren’t the same. If you’re in it to be the richest person in the land then you’ll need more luck than anything. Luck beats skill every day. But luck with out skill will get you no where.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 19:35 |
But why is it in Monopoly?
![]() 08/07/2017 at 19:54 |
The Go is in the right place. The cheap properties are first, the expensive the lay, the first corner after Go is the jail, the next is free parking, and the last is go to jail. The names are just wrong.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 21:16 |
![]() 08/07/2017 at 21:25 |
No I mean the whole board should be rotated so GO is in the top right.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 22:05 |
Counterpoint: Those people that own the whole board didn’t just have it handed to them. They started out on a level field with everyone else. You reach that point in Monopoly very slowly, and while there is a good deal of luck involved, that point is still reached mainly by making smarter decisions than your opponents. With people who make equally good decisions, the game pretty much devolves to passing go and breaking even, and only when the odds finally catch up to you and someone hits some seriously bad luck does a clear victor begin to appear. And naturally, it takes money to make money, so once the imbalance starts it’s usually a slippery slope.
The game is actually a very good representation of capitalism in general. Also, the only reason the scenario given seems unfair is because it’s comparing two things that really shouldn’t be compared. Monopoly has a definitive start point, and it’s the level playing field. So did the people who have that YUGE chunk of wealth. The thing is that real life develops a lot slower... if you’re going to compare the two you need to go back by quite a few generations. You’ll never find a perfectly level field, but you can select a subset of people on the same level, watch some of their families succeed massively through the generations and others fail dismally.
Also, life ain’t fair. Get over it.
![]() 08/07/2017 at 22:20 |
But WHY?!? I ALWAYS sit with Go on my right so I have easy access to all the property I’m about to own!
![]() 08/08/2017 at 00:53 |
Only the UK (aka British Commonwealth) version...
![]() 08/08/2017 at 06:20 |
Why it gotta be WHITEchapel road?
![]() 08/08/2017 at 09:34 |
While this is true
You have to work to succeed, and anyone here can regardless of the hand you’re dealt.
(...) eternally blaming your situation on others is counter productive
this is not
You’re only limited by your ambition
It’s too easy. While you shouldn’t blame your situation on others, I do believe it’s fair to say that surroundings have an effect on your chances. For example, if I have (realistic) access to a great education I’ve got a better chance of going where I want to go than when I don’t have that access. That has little to do with the willingness to work to succeed, nor is it blaming your situation on others.
![]() 08/08/2017 at 09:41 |
If you can’t get great education in your area, then move to where you can. Can’t afford to move? Work to save up, then move. Should have specified that I’m talking about the U.S. I stand by my original statement- ambition is what makes great people great, if you want something bad enough its well within your power as a human to achieve it. In the U.S. at least, I can’t vouch for the rest of the world
08/08/2017 at 14:40 |
I’m busting my ass working overseas, because I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, or a trust fund with my name on it. Meanwhile, rich twats back home go full drama queens because they have to pay $100 more in taxes, monthly, for upgrading the city’s subway system. They’re too blinded by greed and hatred for their less fortunate fellow humans, to see how a collapsing subway system is bad for the whole city and its overall economy, not only for the “peasants” who use the subway.
![]() 08/08/2017 at 15:09 |
Where’s home, and where are you working? I’m not a good person to discuss taxes with, either pro or con... (I’m a tax compliance accountant and talking taxes is like pulling teeth for me). I don’t even do my own taxes, cause it would be like homework
08/08/2017 at 15:39 |
Home is New York City, and I’m currently working in Spain. (I’m planning an expansion for the company I work for, into the local market.). I admit that Southern Spain isn’t the worst place in the world, but I’m missing much of the leisure, the place is usually associated with, as my typical workday has 10 to 12 hours.
As for the tax thing, I’m talking about Bill de Blasio’s fair and properly envisioned proposal to raise taxes for the rich, to pay for the overhauling of the subway system. The tax increase would be neglectable, with about $1,200 a year for someone making $500,000 a year, and less than $2,500 for someone making $1,000,000.
![]() 08/08/2017 at 15:46 |
Devil’s Advocate: What makes it fair if it makes people who aren’t going to use it pay for it?
08/08/2017 at 16:06 |
Like I already said, a collapsing subway system would affect the entire city, both rich and poor (even if not in equal measure). And it’s only fair for the people who are making a lot more money, sometimes by pure luck or favorable events, to give back to the city and country that made possible for them to be in those favorable positions.
![]() 08/08/2017 at 16:09 |
Would you be open to a flat tax to pay for repairing the subway system? Where everyone paid an equal percentage of their income to pay for it?
08/08/2017 at 16:48 |
A person who is barely getting by, in one of the most expensive cities in the world, shouldn’t be taxed as much as the person who owns this.
Percentage or actual monetary value.
![]() 08/08/2017 at 17:10 |
I think unequal taxation like that encourages wealthy people to move to a place where they aren’t punished for their wealth. When those wealthy people leave, that leaves less tax money for the city to pull from than they had to start with.
08/08/2017 at 17:50 |
Paying your fair share isn’t punishment, is as much as a patriotic duty as serving in the military, and because it can’t get you killed, there’s no reason to run from it, really.
Also, rich people will never move from places like New York, because those places represent the foundation of their wealth in many cases, not to mention that they are interesting places to live in, while the middle of nowhere, isn’t.
![]() 08/09/2017 at 16:05 |
So I don’t want to say that it’s easy or even fair for everyone - it’s not and I was lucky enough to have a LOT given to me.
But I know plenty of people that were born in to poverty that are at higher levels in my industry and we are the same age. From smaller schools, from drastically less money and who pulled themselves through it with student loans that were(and probably still are) incredibly daunting.
It’s also unfair to imply that you CAN succeed from the bottom. You CAN pull yourself up the rungs of the ladder here. Again - I’m not saying that’s an easy task. What I AM saying is that its a thing that happens.